A community marketplace to provide for your personal and household needs, served by your trusted neighbors.

Open access services directory to find and be found

Virtuous marketplace to book and pay on the app

Robust organizational tool for your business and your home


Kick start your side hustle. Make that money.

It’s like a part-time job, except you call the shots!

Babysitting, dog walking, tutoring, computer repairs, music lessons... Whatever special gift you have, make your spare time work for you! With only a few minutes to set up, what are you waiting for?

Bye-bye, bidding wars. Hello, happy customers.

Take a few minutes to set up, then get back to business, boss.

Are you tired of wasting money on directory services, just to be haggled down by tire-kickers? Kwinshi is an open, community marketplace where your time is respected, your good work is praised, and you can review your customers too! Balance. Restored.

Be at the heartbeat of your community

Find and use local services you can trust.

Need a plumber? Find them on Kwinshi. Last-minute dogsitter? Find them on Kwinshi. Need a housekeeper, painter, or candlestick maker? Find them on Kwinshi! The local services in your community are your neighbors and friends, and they’re grateful for your support.

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